Coursework Film Trailer Planning!

For our A2 media coursework production, Shereen and I have been deciding whether to continue our genre of chick flick and make a trailer for the film we had already began developing, or to start fresh with a new idea. After deciding we would both like to try the thriller genre, we came up with an idea about a lonely girl, who turned to the internet to find a friend, and so meets a boy online. She will go to meet up with him, only to find that he is not what he appears to be. We got the basic idea from a book called Amy by Mary Hooper. 

Trailers to help us with our coursework!

We only found two trailers which are based on a similar idea to our production piece. This trailer for "The Boy She Met Online" follows a similar story line, except our male actor will not be in prison. We like the voiceovers in both trailers of the main actress' voice. The dramatic, gradually sped up music is also typical of this form of thriller. We hope to combine the girly essence with the thriller because she begins as a normal teenage girl.

We have found a good website that has uncopyrighted music that is free to use. We will need a variety of music and sounds for the different changing moods in our film trailer. 


Our plan shows what type of sound we will put in and where, such as heartbeats. We also have special effects on this plan, a long with text for in between the shots

This is Shereen's sister Priya Sagoo. We thought she would be perfect for this part in our trailer

Shot Lists have been done to plan what we'll film on what days :)